Passive House Volume Calculation Checklist
This desk-based service, it’s crucial that a competent person calculates the volume accurately. If you’re seeking Passive House certification, it’s best if the Passive House designer approves our calculations and they align. Any differences should be resolved before the test day.
1. Scaled drawings
Please send us floor plans, sections, and elevations if you haven’t already. This helps us accurately measure the surface area and volume.
2. Third-party volume verification
Details of the Passive House designer, to compare volumetric calculations, as these must align.
3. Window and door reveals
Do your window or door reveals measure 13cm or more in depth? If they do, please provide the depth measurement.
What’s included/excluded from the volume calculation?
Include the volume of air displaced by the stairs (unless the stairs are of monolithic stone or concrete construction without any air void or cupboard beneath them).
Stair void in floor plate
Include the air volume of the stair void in the floor plate.
Window reveals
Exclude (unless full height window with reveal depth ≥ 13cm).
Door reveals
Exclude (unless door reveal depth ≥ 13cm).
Include the volume of air displaced by any columns (unless the cross-sectional area of an individual column is greater than 0.1m2).
Include the volume of air displaced by any beams (unless the cross-sectional area of an individual beam is greater than 0.1m2).
Attic/loft space
Include if warm roof construction with openable loft hatch. Exclude if cold roof construction or not accessible via loft hatch/ internal opening.
Ductwork and flues
Include the volume of air displaced by ductwork and flues (unless the duct or flue is room sealed and the cross-sectional area is greater than 0.1m2).
Include the air volume displaced by all wall mounted cupboards and shelving units. For walk in wardrobes sand large services cupboards measure internal volumes as per a room.
Storage cylinders and appliances
Include the air volume displaced by all hot water storage cylinders, header tanks and building services (unless the total air volume displaced by an individual appliance is greater than 1% of the net internal air volume).
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